Thursday, July 11, 2013

Research: More Than Detective Work.

This is a list of keep words that I typed in to find my research
  • Declaration of independence
  • Signing of declaration of independence
  • Signers of declaration of independence
  • Who wrote the declaration of independence
  • Where is the declaration of independence

When I was researching the information I started to get the same feel of how the words were said or placed. Sure enough I checked out Wikipedia and most of the websites sited their own information from Wikipedia. In a trusting way does Wikipedia have all of the reaches that you’ll need to make sure you have the right information? The site does give you the right to change the information on the site, but if you refresh the page it changes right back. I feel like in this day in age Wikipedia can be used a correct source to site. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Public Speaking

To myself public speaking isn’t all that hard. Students or just people in general should just have a sort way to prepare themselves. Knowing all the information you can know about your topic makes a huge difference with public speaking. You spend less time looking down at your not cards or paper, and your speech will seem more natural.

The largest audience I’ve spoke in front of was a congregation at church. I was currently trying to become a member of the church and one of the requirements were to state why you should belong to the church and how the church has reflected on your life. The way I prepared for my speech was just f few little key words to stay on topic. What I ended up doing was just telling the congregation about myself, then telling a story about bible school and how I knew I wanted to become a part of the church.  I had people coming up to me after words thanking me for being relaxed, and looking at them when I was speaking. It kept them more into my speech unlike others who were to nervous to lift up their heads.

What had worked well for me is accepting the fact that you are getting up in front of  a large group of people. What also had worked was knowing what I was going to talk about, and informing the people on what I needed to say. In my own option, I feel like people shouldn’t try to go up to speak and try to sound smart. They should just feel comfortable, and it’ll make the speech go by with ease. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Artists’ statements

Writing an artist statement can be a hard thing to do. This could be because artists are such visual people and that’s how they have a creative side. Its hard to know what’s going on in an artist head. For whatever reason, doing an artist statement helps the non-creative people understand what the artist had in mind while creating his style of art. In order to make sure you have the attention of the reader you have to make sure about starting off with a bang. You have to stand out from other artist statements. You also have to think about less is more with artist statement. You cant confuse the reader only because you never know what their knowledge is about art. An artist statement should only be about six well-put together sentences. This gets your point across and doesn’t bore the reader. But in the end always give a second opinion about the artist and their work. This helps the reader keep an open mind about the artwork. This also gives you more input back, it also helps make your artist statement well rounded and will reach more people.

Shepard Fairey has become one of the most well-known artists of the early 2000s. He is most noted for being the artist who, while attending the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in 1989, created the "AndrĂ© the Giant Has a Posse" sticker campaign, which has evolved into the "Obey Giant" campaign, that can now be seen all over the world. The campaign has become, in Fairey's words, an "experiment in Phenomenology."

According to Fairey, “The first aim of Phenomenology is to reawaken a sense of wonder about one's environment. The Obey campaign attempts to stimulate curiosity and bring people to question both the campaign and their relationship with their surroundings.  Because people are not used to seeing advertisements or propaganda for which the motive is not obvious, frequent and novel encounters with Obey propaganda provoke thought and possible frustration, nevertheless revitalizing the viewer's perception and attention to detail. The medium is the message.”Recently Fairey has come under criticism for appropriating others' artwork into his own while failing to provide attribution for the work used.
Fairey received a Bachelor of Arts from The Rhode Island School of Design in 1992. His work has been featured in The New York Times, TIME,, The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Magazine, INC., Juxtapoz, Swindle, and many others. Shepard’s most recent monograph, Supply and Demand, was published by Ginko Press in 2006.

This is what I would have put. 

Shepard Fairy is a well-known graffiti artist who had came about in the early 2000s. he started his art career in Rhode island School of Design and had made the campaigns for “Andre the Giant Has a Posse” and also Obey the Giant. You can now see these as large wheat paste murals or smaller stickers around inner city environments.  He has recently made famous again for designing Obama’s Hope campaign. Even though Shepard Fairy’s artwork is classified as graffiti if it still being saved by thousands today. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Vintage Ad

“USE CHLORINAL, AND BE LIKE DE WHITE NIGGER.”                                                                                     1

“Use Chlorinol, and be like de White Nigger.”
Adam Galloway
AIC College of Design

“USE CHLORINAL, AND BE LIKE DE WHITE NIGGER.”                                                                                     2

As doing more and more research on vintage ads, I’ve noticed how much racist, sexist, and offensive these ads were. The ad that I decided to choose was  “Use Chlorinal, and be like a White Nigger.” These types of ads push the moral rights of people in a bad way. Like it or hate it, this set of ads is a piece of history worth seeing for everyone. I truly believe this will help people be nicer to others and also understand others and where they come from, just through a old vintage ad.

The ad shows three little boys riding in a Chlorinol soda-bleaching box. It’s bad to show that the little boys just happen to be African American.  Showing in the ad that one of the three boys is white. The ad continues to say “And be like de white nigger.” This ad pushing morals in today economy I can understand back in the early 20’s because that’s how life was. All of the segregation, and sexist people out there would like and agree with this ad. But why are the kids in a boat?

I’m having some trouble with understanding why the kids are in a boat like environment. Is it because you have to wash off bleach when you’re finished using it? What was going through the designer’s head when he was thinking up of concepts? 

“USE CHLORINAL, AND BE LIKE DE WHITE NIGGER.”                                                                                     3

Was it more of the client that wanted to have this as his ad? From what I understand is that “ Chlorine Bleach” is used to kill bacteria, and also to clean pools. This product also helps purify drinking water. This can be a good indication to way the three boys are in a boat. To me its not fun trying to find research on something that was so long ago. I would love to meet the designer of this ad and just pick his brain.

When I was trying to do some research I wanted to try to find some information on the company or manufacture but I cannot find anything on it. After some research I did find information on the chemical itself. The product is used to clean and purify water. But because of this ad does this mean that this company has been out of business for this long? Was this the cause of the end of the company? To me there are all these questions unanswered, but what was the designer getting at with this ad?

Trying to understand the logic back then is amazing. It seems like there were no moral rights back in the 20’s, and I don’t see how the people can be racist towards someone else they don’t even know. To me this paper goes more than just a vintage ad. This turns into a history lesion. I can now use the knowledge from learning how people treated others back in history, and apply it to my design skills in present time.

“USE CHLORINAL, AND BE LIKE DE WHITE NIGGER.”                                                                                     4

In the end, we can all learn something about how people were treated back in the 20’s and how their designs reflected on it.  If you would like to see more about this topic look up vintage ads. There are more than just racist ads out there.  Some maybe sexual and offensive, but that is just life back in those days.

“USE CHLORINAL, AND BE LIKE DE WHITE NIGGER.”                                                                                     5

This vintage ad shows the three little boys in the boat, promoting the Chlorinol product.